Dorenda Richardson WhiteAugust 8, 2010 at 9:09pm
Subject: "Word" for today...this day...Sunday, August 8, 2010
"Word" for the day...
Luke 12:48 NLT
"But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given."
"Quote" for the day...
"Life is a test and a trust, and the more God give you, the more responsible he expects you to be."
"Inspiration" for the day...
...Pause & Pray...Stop & Smile...Give, Forgive & Live...and remember it's your responsibility to love someone today!...
Luke 12:48 NLT
"But people who are not aware that they are doing wrong will be punished only lightly. Much is required from those to whom much is given, and much more is required from those to whom much more is given."
"Quote" for the day...
"Life is a test and a trust, and the more God give you, the more responsible he expects you to be."
"Inspiration" for the day...
...Pause & Pray...Stop & Smile...Give, Forgive & Live...and remember it's your responsibility to love someone today!...